WHY I ATTEND FCC - Terry and Elaine Minton
To Our Friends at First Christian Church, We are at FCC because my best friend, Ruth Stratton, invited us to attend some 16 years ago. We...
Feb 23 Letter from the FCC President
Sometimes when you search for something you need you find it very close to where you started looking. That is the case in the search for...

Search Committee Update
First Christian Church has appointed a Search Committee to conduct the search for a new Senior Minister. The committee is chaired by Alan...
Ash Wednesday Live Imposition of Ashes
This Wednesday, February 17 at 6:30 p.m. we will host a LIVE imposition of ashes for Ash Wednesday via Zoom. Please note, this is not a...
Feb 15 Letter from the FCC President
Who among us would have thought that nearly a year after the pandemic settled in it would still be with us, haunting us and isolating us?...
How to Create Your Own Giving Statement on CCB
At First Christian Church of Louisville, we use Church Community Builder as our online directory but also as a means for individuals to...

Update from the FCC Medical Advisory Task Group
While we all miss worshipping in our sanctuary, the staff and Board at FCC are committed to balancing the desire to return with the...
WHY I ATTEND FCC - Puddie and Richard Scott
My Dear Friends at First Christian Church, I’ve recently been reflecting on the almost 30 years that I’ve spent worshiping at First...

Six-Week Lenten Online Video Study
Entering The Passion Of Jesus by A. J. Levine Jesus’ final days were full of risk. Every move he made was filled with anticipation,...
Why I Attend FCC - Open Letters
Please see below for open letters from members of our congregation about why they attend, and love, FCC. To read a letter from Puddie and...