Feb 9 Letter from the FCC President - A Career Celebration
A Career Celebration If we could walk inside the doors of First Kids Early Childhood Education Program at FCC we would see children and...
WHY I ATTEND FCC - Harrell Tague
While I was growing up my father, an elder of the church, always told me the only way to heaven was through First Christian Church at 4th...

Stephen Ministers February 2021
by Penny Brill We are excited to announce a new training class for Stephen Ministers has started!! First Christian Church has joined with...
February 2 Letter from the First Christian Church of Louisville President
If you haven’t had a chance to see Reverend Brian Gerard’s last message to the First Christian Congregation you must see it now. As the...
WHY I ATTEND FCC - Alan & Denise Parsons
Alan started attending First Christian in the late 1980s and attended regularly from 1990 to date. Denise joined me and made First...