2023 Activities for Children and Families
Sunday Morning Options
Children Worship & Wonder(CW&W):
10:30am every Sunday following the first 2 worship songs the children will receive a blessing and those who are 4 years to 2nd Grade and beyond can follow the leader downstairs to the CW&W room (just off the large gathering in First Kids on the lower level).
10 am every Sunday our nursery is open for those birth to age 3. The nursery is located on the lower level.
Worship Cart
We have a Cart located in the entryway of the Worship Center. In the Cart, there are books, bibles, clip boards with paper, finger labyrinths, mindful mazes, coloring sheets, lacing crosses, and so much more.
Children's Ministry Schedule
Merideth (502) 299-0274
Indiana camp info:
Kentucky camp info:
All church Summer Schedule
Saturday, July 22 @ 10:30 a.m. Soup Kitchen
Sunday, July 23 @ 1 pm Louisville Zoo (Meet at Entrance)
Sunday, August 6 @ 4 pm End of Summer Bash*
Repeating activities
· Youth Lunch and Lessons @ First Kids
Starts the week of June 5 from 12-3 pm
· Food Truck Wednesdays @ FCC
June 21 – August 2 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
· Family Dinner Nights at Captains Quarter w/ Jerry McBroom and The Rumors
August 4