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2023 Children and Families

For more about Children's Ministry, contact Merideth at (502) 299-0274

Sunday Morning Options

Children Worship & Wonder (CW&W):

10:30am on Sundays, following the first 2 worship songs, the children will receive a blessing and those who are 4 years to 2nd Grade and beyond can follow the leader downstairs to the CW&W room (just off the large gathering in First Kids on the lower level).

Here’s what you and your children can expect in Children's Worship and Wonder.

To begin, the children come into the worship space where a “storyteller” (teacher) greets them and leads them in singing and praise. In this space, the children are surrounded by Bible stories made just for them, with all materials at their height. This coming together of the children follows the first order of worship which is the gathering of God’s people.

Next they will hear one of God’s stories told with multi-sensory materials that children of different ages, and with different learning styles, can enter into and enjoy. Afterwards, the children are invited to wonder. They are asked “wondering questions” to help them dive deeper into the story and to listen for God’s voice. These questions might sound like, “I wonder if the Good Shepherd’s sheep have names?” Or, ” I wonder what it was like to be in the ark for forty days…I wonder if Noah knew that God was with him?” These questions help the children to see that the Bible stories are their stories and that they are part of the Christian story.

Before leaving the worship center, the children will participate in the last order of worship: the sending out of God’s people into the world.

Following this order each Sunday allows the children to relax into the space and go deeper into the stories. They can truly enter into a time of listening and talking with God.

As children move from CW&W into “big” worship, they are familiar with the rhythm and joy of worshiping.

(Adapted from the UCC website about CW&W)


10 am every Sunday our nursery is open for those birth to age 3. The nursery is located on the lower level.

Worship Cart

We have a Cart located in the entryway of the Worship Center. In the Cart, there are books, bibles, clip boards with paper, finger labyrinths, mindful mazes, coloring sheets, lacing crosses, and so much more.



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