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CASA of the River Region

Last year, in the middle of chaos and uncertainty, 215 incredible individuals with hearts for healing answered the call to become court appointed special advocates (CASAs). CASA volunteers are friends, mentors and advocates to the most vulnerable children in Kentucky. It was this demonstration of unwavering dedication that allowed CASA of the River Region to fulfill its mission during the pandemic year. It was because of their perseverance that abused and neglected children thrived in safe homes, succeeded in non-traditional instruction, and received the medical and therapeutic services they needed to overcome trauma.

Since 1984, CASA of the River Region has trained volunteers to be the voice for abused and neglected children in court, in school and in any setting they need. CASAs focus on one case at a time, volunteering 1-4 hours a week. CASAs visit with their children to help foster connection and belonging, as well as collaborate with social workers, guardian ad litems, schools and doctors. Through direct observation and information gathered, CASAs make recommendations to the Family Court Judge for the best interests of their children.

If child advocacy doesn’t feel like a good fit, CASA has other volunteer opportunities, including serving on the Board of Directors, joining a committee, assisting with office help or participating in seasonal events, such as the Back-to-School Drive or Holiday Sponsorship.

For the third year in a row, Kentucky ranks first in the nation for child maltreatment. As we find ourselves reclaiming a sense of normalcy and welcoming back familiar routines, CASA is expecting an increased demand for its services. With children going to back to in-person activities, traditional reporters of abuse, like coaches, counselors, teachers and friends, will be able to see kids again.

CASA’s success is attributed to the generosity of our community—individuals, faith communities, businesses, foundations and other community-based organizations—who have passionately supported our mission. From financial contributions to in-kind donations, it’s easy for anyone to make an impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children.

Learn more at our monthly virtual information sessions,, or pick up a brochure located in the Narthex.



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