Children of FCC Serve Over 1,100 People in 2018
Each Sunday, the children of First Christian Church are invited and welcomed to participate in children's ministry programming known as Disciples of ChristKids (DOCK).
Just as Jesus and his disciples gathered to learn what it means to be people of faith, learn the sacred stories of Scripture, and experience being the hands and feet of Christ, the children of DOCK come together through weekly service projects, prayer, and compassion for others. Children from age 3 to fifth grade, take time during their offertory moment to discuss Jesus' teachings of compassion and caring for those in need. The children are taught that no matter how big or small everyone can be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
In 2018, the children participated in monthly service projects which brought love and respect to over 1,000 individuals in the Louisville community. The children, too, are impacted as they connect deeply to the projects they complete! The projects completed this year included the following:
Socks of Love for Forgotten Louisville
Appreciation Cups for the PICU Nurses at Norton Downtown
Chemotherapy Care kits for children at Norton Kosair
Spring Flowers for the residents of Episcopal Church Home
Bookmarks for the York Street Public Library
Thank you kits for the crisis workers at the Center for Women and Families
First aid kits for Family Scholar House
Teacher Survival Kits for the teachers at Wellington Elementary
Cleaning Supplies for Louisville Youth Group
Clergy Appreciation (cards handed out at the Beargrass CC for Regional Assembly)
Snowman Soup for St. Johns Shelter for Homeless Men
Build a Bed slat decoration for our annual Build a Bed project at FCC
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place.
You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.