Fall/Winter Schedule for Youth Group
In FCC Youth Group this year, kids 4th grade and up are invited to attend. We'll divide up by age during that 2 hour time slot.

Maren and I have a lot of information to give you so we decided to put it in a video! Click here to watch the video.
We mentioned in the video: Help with Meals
Add events to your calendar: webcal://fcclouisville.ccbchurch.com/group_calendar.ics?id=115&tk=557e11137d1460b6f2a24af4531e247e
Youth Group
When: Sunday 5-7 p.m. includes dinner
Where: Youth Room, lower level of church
Monthly Sunday School/ Worship Options:
· Pew Sip Sunday -2nd Sunday of the month
· Bagels and Bibles – 4th Sunday of the month @ 9:45 am at the tall tables
· Weekly Text: Opt-in for a text sent each week, based on the sermons, to help you through the week.
Update your info with us HERE!
2 Family Games
7 Fire Pit Friday
9 Pew Sip Sunday
9 No YG - All Church Crop Walk
15 Saturday Soup Kitchen
16 Family Trivia
23 Bagels and Bibles
23 Family Relays
30 No YG - All Church Trunk or Treat
6 YG Meeting
11 Fire Pit Friday
13 Pew Sip Sunday
13 YG Meeting
18 Friday Night LOCK-IN at Malibu Jacks (50+ kids from all over)
20 YG Meeting (short meeting 5-6 p.m.)
27 Bagels and Bibles
27 No YG