FCC Funds Seek the Peace Conference

In 2015, First Christian Church of Louisville partnered with Peace Catalyst International by offering them a grant to use toward their ministries of creating reconciling partnerships between Christians and Muslims. Since that first invitation in 2015, there have been multiple events attended by members of First Christian Church in an effort to continue building a relationship with this mosque, along with other Muslim communities in Louisville. The journey, the partnership, and hopefully the growth of mutual respect and understanding is just beginning.
This year, First Christian Church was pleased to provide a Wholeness Ministry Grant funds for a conference to address extremism against the Muslim community to be held at the University of Louisville. The event, called Seek the Peace, coincided with the one year anniversary of the racial shooting at Kroger in the J-town community in Louisville. Please see here for a Wave 3 news piece on the evening event. The wholeness grant allowed Peace Catalyst to build relationships that will move Louisville toward wholeness and mutual respect and understanding.
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place.
You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.
To learn more about Peace Catalyst International, click here.