FCC Member Provides Kindness and Hope to Louisville Residents
by Rick Tipton
Many individuals in the Louisville area experience real need that isn't addressed by existing programs or organizations. These individuals slip through the cracks of the traditional service models, don't qualify for assistance programs, or are overwhelmed by their situation, and need a helping hand to get back on track. The Kindness and Hope Program works with individuals to identify their immediate need and, when possible and appropriate, assists in meeting that need.
FCC member Sharon Sapienza requested an FCC Wholeness Grant in 2021 after becoming aware of needs in the community through her job as an adoption advocate and her volunteer work with several non profit community organizations. Funds received are provided to individuals requiring assistance with emergency housing, transportation, medical care, clothing, food, and utilities; this includes basic application fees for the person seeking emergency housing.

Effort was made to ensure that the assistance provided was short term and not duplicated by other programs. Assistance need was determined on a case-by-case basis. Emergency housing entailed the short-term rental of hotel room, and transportation was provided through UBER/ TARC pass/or a gift card for gas. Medical care was addressed by online payment of an office visit copay, and/or by purchase of minor medical equipment. Walmart and Kroger gift cards provided clothing, hygiene items, gas and household needs as well as food. Fast food gift cards were helpful in many situations where there was an emergency need for meals. Utilities were paid online directly to the utility company.
FCC’s Wholeness Ministry grant to Kindness and Hope was directed to 13 individuals or families in June through December 2021.
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place.
You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.