FCC Supports Local Birth Moms and Dads

Adoption Bridges of Kentuckiana (ABOK), a program of St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities, creates bridges between women wanting to place a child for adoption and adoptive parents who are committed to raising children in a loving, nurturing and secure environment. ABOK strives to treat women experiencing unplanned pregnancy with dignity and compassion. The goal is to provide information, uphold confidentiality, and support individuals in their choices.
At Adoption Bridges of Kentuckiana, staff have a tremendous amount of respect for birth mothers and birth fathers for the selfless, difficult decision they make and for the adoptive parents who take a leap of faith into the adoption process. A great deal of responsibility comes with the knowledge that both parties are trusting ABOK to build a bridge between families to provide a child with the opportunity to lead a healthy, happy, stable life.
Thanks to grant funds given by First Christian Church of Louisville, the ABOK birth parent support group stood strong in support of each other as they walked together in downtown Louisville for the Norton’s Splash and Dash on August 3, 2019, wearing matching shirts showing pride in their courageous choice.
Our mission is to build bridges between families who have made the loving choice of adoption.
These women are stigmatized and shamed for their choice to place their children for adoption. However, they support one another and lift each other up as they work through their grief; celebrate their children and their adoptive families; to accept their role in the life of their child. During the Splash and Dash, this diverse group of women walked in pairs sharing their stories. Though they come from different socio-economic backgrounds, practice different faiths, and represent many different ethnicities, they found common ground in each other. They wanted to share how much it meant to be accepted and to be seen with honor and courage.

To learn more about this ministry, please click here.
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place.
You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.