Feb 23 Letter from the FCC President
Sometimes when you search for something you need you find it very close to where you started looking.
That is the case in the search for our Interim Minister. After talking to several candidates, Terry Minton, a 16-year member of First Christian Church, has been asked and has accepted the call to lead our congregation until our senior pastor is selected.
Terry was ordained in the Southern Baptist Church and is currently working with our Region’s Committee on Ministry to have Joint Standing with Christian Church Disciples of Christ.
Terry is dedicated to FCC’s Open Table concept. When he says "all means all" he has a depth of understanding about what that phrase means and has practiced the philosophy as a minister and a lay leader of the church. You can see more about Terry’s work experience and background here.
Terry hits the ground running. He has already met one on one (Zoom style) with each member of the staff and has attended the first staff meeting. Soon, Terry will be reaching out to many others and I know you will do everything you can to help him and the staff keep First Christian the welcoming, vibrant church it is. You may reach out to Terry via email at tminton@fcclouisville.org or by phone on his cell at (502) 939-1925.
I would be remiss if I didn’t add that Terry has a wonderful partner in his wife, Lanie and they celebrate the joy of family with 4 children and several grandchildren.
This week Terry and Lanie give us our open letter on why FCC is their church home.
We also have an update in our search for a senior pastor. Alan Parsons and his committee are currently developing the congregational survey. This will give every member of First Christian Church a chance to weigh in on the type of minister they want. This is a very important document so please fill it out and return it with great reflection and speed. We will be giving you updates on when and how that survey will be distributed.
As always you can reach me anytime at mswan8@yahoo.com.