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Feb 9 Letter from the FCC President - A Career Celebration

A Career Celebration

If we could walk inside the doors of First Kids Early Childhood Education Program at FCC we would see children and staff masked up with Ninja Turtle fabric. There are Paw Patrol masks and coming soon plenty of hearts for Valentine’s Day. All the masks are made by First Kids Director, Debbie McCune. She does whatever it takes to brighten a child’s day.

Now, we have a chance to brighten Debbie’s day. She recently marked 30 years of childcare at First Kids beginning her career as a group leader there. 30 years. That is a milestone we cannot overlook.

Debbie says she was called by God to care for children and not just anywhere but at First Kids in particular.

With her degree in social work, Debbie says her philosophy is not only to focus on a child’s education but to make sure they feel loved by people and by God.

During her tenure at First Kids, Debbie has reached one of her goals of hiring teachers with degrees. First Kids is now a 4 Star Kentucky program reaching near the highest level possible because of it’s teacher training and parent involvement.

Debbie’s 30 years of dedication are rooted in her love of children She says, “I love that they love you unconditionally and they will always be honest with you.”

Just a few of the standout moments of her 3 decades is a little boy who was very angry, a First Kids teacher took special interest in the child teaching him to cook. He entered his culinary creation in the KY State Fair and won first place. Today, that little boy is all grown up working as a film director.

Then there are less enjoyable moments. Debbie remembers Ethan Gerard thinking he was spider man and jumping off a structure, hurting himself and going to the hospital. She says some days are a roller coaster ride but some are like the whole of Disneyland where everything is magical.

Debbie has been director of First Kids for nearly 20 years and when she reaches that milestone in May I hope we can celebrate with her in our sanctuary.

Until then, I asked her what First Kids needs from the FCC congregation.

Here’s a list:

  • Toddler toys such as shape sorters, wood puzzles with knobs, plastic blocks, plastic baby bottles (for ages 2 and under), plastic dishes

  • Preschool toys, waffle blocks, Legos, trains for train table, riding toys, STEM items

  • Heavy plastic dishes for the Mud Kitchen on the Playground

  • Gift cards: Dollar Tree, Walmart, JoAnn Fabric, Hobby Lobby, Michaels and Amazon. (Teachers get seasonal items from these places to enhance their lesson plans and classroom set up)

  • Debbie thought for a long time and finally said the program is well-stocked but there is something that concerns her. The fence around the playground needs some improvements. That’s a not-so-subtle hint from me for handy men and women to make a difference for First Kids.

We’ll have a container by the door of the First Kids entrance for donations.

I know many reading this have had children in the First Kids program. Please, take a moment to let Debbie know about your memories and to congratulate her. You can send your cards and letters to PO Box 1342, Prospect, KY 40241.

Congratulations Debbie! You and your work are greatly appreciated.

This week’s open letter to the congregation is a history lesson of our wonderful church. Please read and enjoy the words of Harrell Tague.



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