First Christian Helps Bring Hope to Abused Teens

Maryhurst is a place of new beginnings for children who have been traumatized by unimaginable abuse. The young ladies on the Maryhurst main campus have no other treatment options in Kentucky.
They have been through multiple foster homes, treatment facilities, and psychiatric hospitals. But at Maryhurst, they find healing. They learn how to let go of their anger, their mistrust, and their despair. Maryhurst helps girls reclaim a future.
Nearly half of the Maryhurst residents have had parental rights terminated, leaving them orphaned for all practical purposes. Without any natural supports, and having moved through countless out-of-home placements, many of the girls show up at our door carrying all their worldly belongings in plastic bags. It is not uncommon for a young lady to be admitted with little more than the clothes she is wearing. Certainly, some of the clothing challenges are due to the fact that they are teenagers who are in a stage of life where they outgrow clothes almost before you can take the tags off of them from the store. But there is no mom or dad around to take care of this – to take them to the store for new school clothes or to replace sneakers that have been worn out.
Once a child is in Maryhurst care, she receives a monthly allowance for clothing, but this does not begin to cover the immediate needs that many girls have when they first become part of the Maryhurst family.
This is where the amazing gift from First Christian Church makes the difference. The money received from your generous congregation is helping to purchase clothes for girls who show up with little more than what they are wearing when they walk through our door. Staff are able to take gift cards purchased with your funds and buy enough clothes to help the girls make it until their clothing allowance is available.
To learn more about Maryhurst, please visit their website.
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place. You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.