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Gospel of Mark - Online Study

A New Six-Week Online Video Study by Amy Jill Levine

Begins Wednesday, Sept. 6th @ 7pm.

Discover the Good News in the Bible’s earliest Gospel

Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with scholar Amy-Jill Levine as she examines John the Baptizer, the Little Apocalypse, the Transfiguration, and several of Jesus's most notable stories and parables. The Good News of the gospel message comes alive in this book as readers see Jesus as divine and human, powerful and weak, approachable yet mysterious. The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels.

This study is hosted on Zoom and is open to all adults, near and far. Invite friends, family and neighbors!

Contact Pastor Jerry McBroom for more info!

Class and Zoom info!

Classes are on Zoom on Wednesday evenings @ 7 p.m.

Attending is easy! All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with video camera capabilities and access to the internet. If you need more information or have never used Zoom before, please contact Gina for assistance.

At (or just before) the start of class, follow this link on your computer:


enter the following meeting ID in your device's Zoom app: 842 4669 8436

It is a live session, so please try to be there on time. Upon joining the meeting, you will be placed in a waiting room for approval.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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