Healthy at Church In-Person Worship
We're so excited to be able to welcome you into our sanctuary for in-person worship again. Whether you've been an FCC member for a long time, a short time or you've never been before, we'll be thrilled to see you on Sunday morning. If you have questions or concerns about anything you read below, please contact Gina by email, or at the church office by phone, (502) 228-4189.
We are holding worship services at 9:00 a.m. (a blended traditional/contemporary worship) and 10:30 a.m. (contemporary).
Registration is no longer required!
Several things about our worship service will change, many upon the recommendation of our Medical Advisory Group, so that we can be Healthy at Church. We will do our best to communicate those changes to you throughout check-in and the worship service.
A few things to note in advance:
If you are feeling ill on the morning of worship, we respectfully ask that you worship from home. We will be happy to welcome you to in-person worship when you are feeling better. Worshippers will be screened via reading a statement at check-in and affirming adherence verbally. (No temperature checks)
Our sanctuary will be closed until 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. We ask that worshippers stay in their vehicles until that time. Once the doors open, please enter the building at the sanctuary level through the red doors (far left and far right, middle doors will be closed). Our lower level will be closed.
Worshipers will be screened via a written statement at check-in. We will ask you to read the statement and affirm adherence verbally. Masks must be worn at all times in the building and must cover your mouth and nose. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one! Social distancing is requested and strongly encouraged.
We will allow congregational singing but masks must be on and worn correctly at all times. Please ensure your mouth and nose are covered.
Communion will be provided to you upon entry in small bags including an all-in-one communion and juice, plus a napkin. After communion we ask that you put the napkin in the cup, and place the cup back in the bag. Please take the bag with you and dispose of the bag on your way out.
Bathrooms are available but we ask that they be used by one person/family at a time. Anyone using restroom will be asked to wipe down any surfaces touched prior to leaving (wipes will be made available to you).
After the service, we ask that you exit the building to gather and visit with friends. This will give our volunteers time to disinfect and sanitize. Please maintain social distancing with those you do not see regularly outside of church.
We will live-stream the 10:30 worship for those not able to join us in the sanctuary. Please visit for the livestream video.