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Covid-19 Care Team and More

Covid-19 Care Response Team

We have put together a Care Response Team made up of people who are willing to run errands for those who are sick, quarantined, self-isolating, or at-risk. Volunteers will coordinate a “front porch drop off.”  If you are interested in volunteering for this team please sign up at this link.

If you need to request the services of this team, please email Gina or any FCC staff member and we will facilitate the process.

Financial Assistance

If you are in need of financial assistance during this outbreak, our Acts 2 Fund is here for you. Please reach out to our Office Administrator, Gina Jennings, to make a request. All requests are confidential.

FCC Mask Ministry

As we plan our return to onsite worship, we are very much hoping to provide masks for our congregation; for Sunday worship and for life's needs!

Kathy and Larry Olliges, owners of Dee’s Crafts, have generously offered to provide any church members willing to participate in a Mask Making Ministry with a kit containing instructions and enough materials to make 10 masks. They have requested that those taking the kits make five masks for the congregation; the remaining 5 may be kept for themselves and family. If we receive an excess of masks we will donates those extras to other local organizations.

Though a sewing machine is required to make these masks, beginner skills are sufficient.

Those wishing to participate in this ministry may click here to sign up.

Need a Mask? We have masks available! Please click here to let us know how many you need!

The family pictured to the left received masks made by FCC members!



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