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November and December Activities for Children and Families

FCC Children’s Ministry for November

1.) Children’s Ministry at First Christian Church of Louisville would like to invite you to use this November 2022 Gratitude Everyday Calendar by Traci Smith It is something that can be used by individuals, for couples, for families, or even something to do over the phone or in person with your grandchildren! Make it your own. Print it or come by the church to pick one up.

2) Children’s Ministry at First Christian Church of Louisville would like to invite you to use this Gratitude Tree by Traci Smith It is something that can be used by individuals, for couples, for families, or even something to do over the phone or in person with your grandchildren! Make it your own. Print it or come by the church to pick one up.

3) Gather and Games on November 13 from 11:30 to 1 pm Children ages Pre-K to 5th Grade are welcome to gather with us right after church (if you can’t make it to church that day you are still welcome to join us). This month we are going to help put together the care packages for our Young Adults who are in school, living away temporarily or just need a care package. After we do that, we will have time for a lite lunch and some games!

4) Advent Program on December 11 during church. We need lots of Children! Some speaking parts, some singing, some non-speaking parts and more. If you are interested in being part of this please let us know! We will be rehearsing on Sunday evenings.

5) Worship Cart in the Sanctuary Recently we have added updated a few new things on the cart. A Lord’s Prayer Cube and Communion Cube. I would tell you all about it, but I would rather you come check it out! Watch for more items being added!

Each week we are sharing resources on our private First Christian Church Families Facebook page. If you would like to be in this group, let Merideth know.

Here is one of the articles shared in this group:

Leftover Candy —THIS article gives some tips for what to do with all that leftover candy!

Here is a Gratitude activity that will be shared later this week:



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