Search Committee Update - April 6
First Christian Church has appointed a Search Committee to conduct the search for a new Senior Minister. The committee is chaired by Alan Parsons. The other members of the group are Patty Rankin, Kathy Olliges, Gary Fogle, Tonya Bordy, Scott Lanter, Gracelyn Jack and Amanda Stratton. The committee is meeting every other week and will send updates to the congregation and regular intervals. See below for their first update and for our search timeline.
April 6, 2021
The committee met April 6 and finalized the congregational survey that will be used to gather input from members of our congregation for use in the senior minister search effort. It is expected that the survey will go live on April 9 and conclude three weeks later April 30. The survey will be distributed electronically to those with an email address and by mail to all others. All members of FCC are encouraged to complete the survey. To facilitate the compilation of the results, electronic submissions are encouraged but, of course, written submissions will also be accepted. Even if only one invitation is emailed or mailed to a family, every household family member active at First Christian Church (middle school age or older) is encouraged to complete and submit his/her own survey response. Questions about the survey may be directed to Alan Parsons at or by phone at (502) 939-9683. We hope to publish a summary of the survey findings by the end of May or early June.
While awaiting the survey input, the committee will review the senior minister job description and work with the Regional Church, Disciples of Christ to obtain comparative senior minister compensation and benefits data. It will also complete segments of the Congregational Profile that do not rely on the survey results. The committee remains confident of completing the Profile no later than June after which the position will be posted, and applications accepted.
Please continue to keep the committee’s work in your thoughts and prayers.
Alan Parsons, Committee Chair
