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Stephen Ministers April 2021

by Penny Brill

Spring time at last!! We see sunshine and now hope that there is a light at the end of this pandemic epoch we are in. Will life get back to normal? Most likely it will be a new normal we emerge into.

Most of us have developed some anxiety over the last 14 months. Some of us have felt depression. Many of us have experienced loss in some form or another. I doubt if any of us have escaped unscarred.

Now is an appropriate time to remind ourselves to be patient; with ourselves and with others. This has been an undeniably, at times unbearable, period.

If you feel that you are missing this connection, that the effects of this last year have taken a toll in your life that is more than you can handle, consider Stephen Ministry.

We are available to help you reconnect with the strength that faith and the belief in the power of God provide. We will walk along side you in this journey. We will listen unconditionally and non-judgmentally as you work to talk through your sense of loss. We are not therapists, but we are great listeners!! We provide a strictly confidential environment to open the door to what you feel may be missing in your life.

Jesus was patient and forgiving with us. We may need to be reminded that as we work to be patient and forgiving towards others, we should extend the same effort to be patient and forgiving of ourselves.

Stephen Ministry is available for you. Please don't struggle alone. Help can be a phone call away. You can reach out to the church office, 502-228-4189 and be directed to the Stephen Ministry program.

In Christ,

Penny Brill

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. ~Romans 12:12

Stephen Ministry:

Christ Caring for People

Through People



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