Stephen Ministers August 2021
by Penny Brill

It is not easy to ask for help; to reach out in need. Sometimes it is even harder to receive it.
Stephen Ministry is a faith oriented, non-judgmental group, consisting of trained listeners, who are ready and willing to walk alongside you in times of difficult and over whelming circumstances. We operate in complete confidentiality. Your story and situation are yours alone and stay between you and your care giver.
If you find yourself unable to effectively deal with situations occurring in your life, reach out to a staff member or minister at church. They can put you in touch with the Stephen Ministry program. We have people ready and able to make contact with you. We can listen, affirm and comfort you, and if need be, direct you to other resources.
God is a powerful partner in our lives and if you are feeling forgotten or unsure of that, Stephen Ministry just might be helpful in finding your way back to his strength.
We sometimes feel we are supposed to be the ones in charge, calling the shots and forget only God is the one capable of offering a cure. It is OK to let go, seek help and find solace in receiving care giving of another. After all, we are in this life together, and working and communicating with each other, will make it a better world for us all!!
Don't hesitate, Stephen Ministry is yours for the asking.
In Christ,
Penny Brill
I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace...
In this world you will have trouble...But take heart... ~John 16:33
Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People