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Stephen Ministers December 2020

by Penny Brill

What a year this has been. (No exclamation mark, totally insufficient). It has brought challenges none of us could have foreseen. Not only do we all feel we have lost control of our daily lives, we have lost the support of sharing pews and spending time with our fellow church members. We watch videos and meet on Zoom to connect. Good, but not nearly fulfilling enough. We miss the physical contact and wonder if we will ever hug each other again.

You are not alone. This fatigue resonates with us all. Stephen Ministry is here for just these times. When it becomes too much to face by yourself, reach out to the church office and ask about our Stephen Ministry program. We are available to walk along side you and share the power of God's strength to assist.

Stephen Ministry is preparing to initiate a virtual training class for any of you who feel the call to become a Stephen Minister. This is a phenomenal program that will change your life as you work with others to get their life back on track. Alan Parsons would love to hear from you and he can be reached at All that is needed to consider this opportunity is a desire to share your commitment to your faith with others. Even in these times, you can meet in person, following appropriate safety protocols, on the phone, by text or Zoom. Faith does find a way.

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Christ in unique ways. And, pray as we all do, for a safe and happy new year as we move toward better days. We all have the chance to start each day with a hopeful heart and a positive attitude. We can and will get through this.

“I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us” ~Romans 8:18 NRSV

In Christ,

Penny Brill

Stephen Ministry:

Christ Caring for People

Through People



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