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Stephen Ministers July 2022

by Penny Brill

Sometimes life is really hard. We get caught off guard by where we “all of a sudden” find ourselves. We definitely were not prepared for this… name it.

Well, it happens to us all. We are rarely expecting, the unexpected. Where will we find the strength to cope? Where will we find the support to move forward? Who will help us get through this travail?

God is there and always has been. He is the power we can seek out and call upon to assist in the process of healing. If you feel he is not listening, or doesn’t hear you, a Stephen Minister can offer a broad shoulder, a non-judgmental, confidential ear. A drink of cold water for your thirst for normal again.

“Enter by the narrow gate….because sorrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life.” Matthew 7: 13-14.

It is hard to get on with life when life seems to have spiraled out of control. It can take time and it may take support. This is what Stephen Ministry offers. The hardest part may be finding the courage to request this help. We are trained and ready to answer your call. By calling the church office to ask about this program, you can be connected with a Stephen Minister who can assist you in finding a new caring approach.

We love you and so does God. We care and we are here.

In Christ,

Penny Brill

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them external existence in God’s presence, His Kingdom, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me. For my Father has given them to Me, and He is more powerful than any Essence. No one can snatch them from The Father’s hand. The Father and I are one. ~John 10: 27-30.

Stephen Ministry:

Christ Caring for People

Through People



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