Summer Activities for Children and Families
Summer Sunday School
During the months of June and July, we are giving our teachers a break. We are excited to welcome your children into the sanctuary for worship! Children learn in so many different ways and its important for them to spend some time worshiping with the whole church family. We will have worship kits available so that children will have activities to keep them busy in church.
We understand this can be hard for some families, so there will be childcare available for those who need it. The group will read a story and have time to play, either inside or outside, depending on the weather. There will not be a specific curriculum during these months.
Summer Gathering CONFIRMED Dates:
Family Dinner Night* Friday, July 15 @ 7 p.m.
The Rumors (Jerry McBroom's band) is playing at Captain's Quarters!
Holiday World* Monday, July 18
LouCity Game* Wednesday, July 20
St. Mark UCC's Soup Kitchen Saturday, July 23 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
End of Summer Bash* Sunday, August 7 @ 4 p.m. (Details TBD)
*All Church events
We will share more details for each of the above events in the weeks to come!
But that’s not all!! We have lots of ideas still in the planning stages:
Food Truck Wednesdays,
Tie-Dye Night,
Water Games,
And more!
Watch for those dates soon!