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Youth Minister Change

We are in a long season of transitions. I wanted to let you know of a current one. Last year, your long-time youth pastor, Jerry McBroom, felt called to a new and different ministry here at FCC Louisville. He and I have had some wonderful discussions about the ways he already engages and connects current members and creative ways to connect and engage others in the future. He was blessed by his many years as a youth pastor here and shaped countless young people’s faith over two decades. Following Jerry’s transition, a part time position was offered to Maren Gosman, honoring, and celebrating her gifts with our youth.

Shortly after I started, Maren asked to meet with me to discuss her role and position in the church. She expressed how much she loved singing with the band and leading worship. She also shared how much she loves supporting the youth program but does not feel at this time, she can manage the 15 hours we have asked her to serve. Starting April 1, her hours will be reduced. She will continue to work with and support our youth and will collaborate with Rev. Meredith to coordinate the children and youth schedule. She will also continue to bless us with her gifts in the praise band every week!

I informed both the Discipleship and Administrative teams of this change in February. Since then, the Discipleship Team and I have been researching, thinking, and praying about how to support and plan for our youth program at this time. We have reached out to other youth pastors and youth consultants, taking their suggestions into consideration while also thinking of ways that we as leaders and lay members can support our youth now. This may not be a quick process, but it will be a faithful, thoughtful, and collaborative one.

I invite you to join us and pray for our youth and this program. We are excited that eight (!) of our young people will be getting baptized in the weeks following Easter during our regular Sunday morning services. You will get to see each of them and celebrate them in person. What a wonderful opportunity to be present for this exciting moment of their faith journey.



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